Fleet Safety

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Safety Delta™

In the year under review, we launched Safety Delta™, a programme by Green-Jakobsen, with whom we had worked closely to assess our safety culture. This follows the Zero Harm campaign we launched in 2018.

Safety Delta™ is a process for crew to diagnose their vessel's safety conditions. The programme comes with a wide range of training modules which our seagoing employees can tap into to develop their skills. The programme empowers them to assume responsibility for their own training, working closely with onshore Fleet Management.

Safety Delta™ represents a new approach to safety with each vessel taking responsibility for the on-board safety culture. Programme success is measured in the following ways:

  • The Safety Delta™ Crew Safety Diagnosis (CSD) reports shall not be used for any incident investigation or benchmarking. There should be no reprimands or explanations demanded from the vessel's crew.
  • The Safety Delta™ CSD report shall not be transmitted to any third-parties and not shared with any parties carrying out external audits, inspections or investigations.
  • Honesty in answering questions should be stressed during the dialogues, with anonymity of the survey reiterated to the vessel's crew.


Seagull Training System

The Seagull Training System was introduced to the CNCo fleet in 2019. This integrated platform addressed existing and future training needs, both onboard, as well as ashore. The advantages offered by this software included:

  • Capability to access training modules on mobile devices through a mobile application;
  • Availability of learning management platform ashore (and from 2020 on board);
  • Ability to access the Safety Delta™ learning library and answering the survey questions on the same platform, thus nullifying the need to supply an additional training library box;
  • Integrated with crewing management system COMPAS for ready accessibility;
  • LAN connection on board makes it possible for multiple users to use the platform simultaneously on board;
  • Automated data exchange.

As our manning offices would also be able to assign tests remotely, we anticipate these would help to further equip and assess our crew with the necessary knowledge and skills.


Safety Awareness Courses (SAC)

SACs not only enable course participants to get the latest information and be equipped with the latest knowledge, they also provide a good platform to share best practices and learning points, as well as to connect with peers and management ashore.

The Senior Officers' SAC, which as the name suggests, caters to senior officers, engineers and shore managers. It is conducted in Singapore and covers various Quality, Safety, Health and Environment topics such as modules on Port State Control inspections, Suicide Prevention, Safety Culture, Risk Management and Sustainability. In 2019, over 200 senior officers attended these courses.

Manning agencies send their trainers regularly to Singapore to attend these courses, so that training methods and content are aligned with Head Office. Under our Standard Operating Procedure, new junior officers, cadets and ratings can only join a CNCo vessel upon completion of the SAC.

Below: CNCo's MD James Woodrow, sharing with course attendees why the Company values safety highly.

Managing Director's Message
Managing Director's Message

A unique way to strengthen CNCo's safety culture

The Safety Awareness Course (SAC) caters to senior officers, engineers and shore managers. Junior officers, cadets and ratings undergo an abridged version of the senior officer’s SAC at their respective manning agencies. The manning agencies on a regular basis send the trainers to Singapore so that their training methods align with the Head Office, and similar modules are delivered to the attendees.

Under our Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), no new junior officer, cadet or rating would be able to join a CNCo vessel without undergoing the SAC. Existing employees (junior officers, engineers, cadets and ratings in this case) undergo this course every three years.

SACs have become synonymous with the way CNCo drives our safety culture and safety initiatives across the broad spectrum of seafarers. SACs are a great way to keep our seafaring colleagues updated, as well as a wonderful opportunity for them to connect with their peers and the management ashore.

Below: Ratings in Fiji partipating in a group exercise where they discussed various safety scenarios and approaches.