Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality


We conduct materiality assessments regularly as a follow-up on the sustainable development presentations for shore-based and seagoing employees.

Our stakeholder consultation programme for seagoing employees covers office visits, officers and crews’ fora and training programmes during the Safety Awareness Courses in Singapore.

For shore-based employees it is undertaken during induction programmes and other events (presentations at international and Singapore-based conferences and events), peer group discussions as well as formal surveys and informal ad hoc feedback.

We conducted an extensive stakeholder engagement exercise in 2016 and aim to run external engagement and consolidation of results once every three years.

This report has been written to address material areas as per GRI requirements. For more information on stakeholder engagement and materiality please refer to SD reports for 2016 and 2017 calendar years.

Consolidated Materiality Matrix is presented in the Data Section.

CNCo’s Vision and Strategic Scorecard

CNCo’s strategies are guided by its vision

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to be the Leading Provider of Sustainable Shipping Solutions and its Customers’ Partner of Choice.

CNCo will deliver this vision by:

  • Reinforcing our commitment to safety, quality and operational excellence;
  • Delivering satisfactory, sustainable financial performance for our shareholders;
  • Providing reliable, professional and innovative services to our customers;
  • Establishing enduring relationships with our customers and other stakeholders;
  • Developing a diverse, inclusive and industry-leading workforce;
  • Providing safe, healthy and secure work environments and rewarding career paths.

Our strategic scorecard is aligned with a number of areas of importance to our stakeholders and provides direction and sets specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

We continue to review our Strategic Scorecard each year by CNCo’s senior leaders, facilitated through our partnership with Forum for the Future. Progress reports and measurements are tracked monthly throughout each year to ensure we remain on track to meet the longer-term nature of the strategic goals. At the end of 2018, we were on track against the majority of the goals.

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We conducted an extensive stakeholder engagement exercise in 2016 and aim to run external engagement and consolidation of results once every three years.